Measures for the Implementation of the Permanent System of the Congress of Provincial Higher Education Institutions of the Communist Party of China in Anhui Province (Trial)

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2022-05-06Number of views:93

Act 1    

Article one  In accordance with the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Strengthening and Improving Party Building under New Circumstances, the Measures for the Implementation of the Term System of Deputies to the Congresses of the Communist Party of China at all Levels in Anhui Province (Trial Implementation) and relevant Party regulations,Combined with Anhui Provincial Higher Education Institute (hereinafter referred to as"Colleges and universities") in practice, formulate these implementation measures。

Article 2  高校党代表大会常任制坚持以邓小平理论和Guided by the important thought of "Three Represents",We will thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development,Strengthen Party building in colleges and universities with the spirit of reform and innovation,It should focus on improving the system of Party congress in universities and the term system of party congress delegates,We will further promote inner-party democracy and the development of a modern university system,It provides strong political guarantee for party building and education development in universities。

Article 3  The university Party congress holds a new congress every five years, and an annual party congress is held every year。When the Party congress is not in session, the committee formed by it leads the work of the College。

Article 4  The term of office system shall be implemented for party congress delegates in universities。The term of office of the delegates is the same as that of the College Party Congress。When a Party congress is in session and when it is not in session, delegates to the Party congress exercise their rights and perform their duties as delegates。 

Act 2  The term system of university party congress delegates

Article 5  Delegates to university Party congresses are elected in accordance with the relevant provisions on intra-party elections。We will determine the number and composition of deputies in a scientific manner, expand the proportion of deputies at the grass-roots level, and strictly examine the qualifications of deputies to ensure their advanced nature。

Article 6  Obligations of university Party Congress delegates:

Conscientiously study, publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies, follow state laws and regulations as well as the Party's constitution and regulations, and safeguard the Party's unity and unity。Keep close contact with party members, teachers, students and staff, take the lead in implementing the resolutions and decisions of the college Party Congress, and play a pioneering and exemplary role in various work and life。Exercise the functions and powers of a representative correctly, consciously accept the supervision of Party members, teachers, students and staff, and must not use the status of a representative to seek any personal gains or privileges。

Article 7  University Party congress delegates have the following rights and duties:

(1) To hear and examine the work reports of the Party committee and the Discipline Inspection Committee of the College during the Party Congress;To discuss and decide on party building and other major issues of the College;

(2) To exercise the right to vote, the right to vote, and the right to stand for election at Party congresses;

(3) To understand the implementation of the Party's resolutions and decisions by the Party committee of the college, the Discipline Inspection Committee and the Party organization of the electoral unit to which they belong;

(4) To put forward opinions and suggestions to the College Party Congress or the Party Committee on major issues concerning the college's career development and party building;

(e) according to the subject, invited to attend the college Party committee (Standing Committee) meetings and related meetings;

(6) Democratic evaluation and evaluation of the college Party committee (Standing Committee), Discipline Inspection Committee and its members;

(7) To participate in the democratic recommendation of relevant leading cadres of the college as needed;

(8) To participate in the relevant activities organized by the College Party Congress or the College Party committee;And be entrusted to do the relevant work。

Article VIII  College Party congress delegates perform representative duties, mainly to participate in college party congress and college party committee organized activities。

The main systems for the work of deputies are:

(1) The system of representative proposals。During the College Party Congress,More than 10 delegates (including 10) may jointly submit proposals to the Congress that fall within the scope of the functions and powers of the Party Congress。Proposals should be case-by-case, with reasons, evidence and plans。The representative who made the proposal may withdraw it。

(2) Representative proposal system。When the College Party Congress is not in session, the delegates may, individually or jointly, submit in writing to the College Party committee proposals that fall within the competence of the College Party Congress and the Party Committee。

The proposals and proposals put forward by the representatives shall be accepted and examined by the relevant institutions of the college, and the opinions on handling shall be submitted to the Party Committee of the College (Standing Committee) for examination and approval。The accepting institution shall promptly report the situation to the representative who made the proposal and the proposal。

(3) The system of research on deputies。Entrusted by the Party Congress of the College and the Party committee, the representatives may, within a certain range, conduct investigations and research on the party building and other relevant key work, major decisions of the College Party committee and issues that are strongly reflected by teachers and students。

Delegates participate in at least one research activity during their term of office。After the investigation and research, the representative shall form a written report。

(4) System for soliciting opinions from deputies for major policy decisions。Before making decisions on major issues, the college Party committee (Standing Committee) shall solicit the opinions and suggestions of deputies by holding symposiums and issuing letters of solicitation。Before the Party congress is held, the Party committee of the university shall solicit the opinions of the deputies to the current Party Congress and the next Party Congress on the draft work report of the Party committee and the Commission for Discipline Inspection。The College Party Committee may seek the opinions of the representatives on other relevant matters。

Upon invitation, deputies may attend plenary meetings of the Party Committee (Standing Committee), the Discipline Inspection Committee and important meetings of relevant departments of the Party Committee, participate in discussions and express their opinions。

(5) Representative contact party members and teachers and staff system。Deputies should strengthen contact and communication with Party members, teachers, students and staff, publicize the Party's line, principles and policies, and understand the implementation of the Party's educational principles;To understand the implementation and execution of major decisions and decisions of the Party committee of the college;Solicit opinions on the hot and difficult issues of common concern to teachers and students。

(6) Representatives to participate in the democratic evaluation system。According to the arrangement of the Party Committee of the college, participate in the democratic evaluation and evaluation of the Party committee, the leading group of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and its members。

The ninth article  Termination and suspension of the qualification of delegates to university Party congresses。

(1) If a representative has any of the following circumstances during his term of office, his qualification as a representative shall be terminated。

Being placed under probation or above in the Party;

The Party membership has been suspended or the nationality of the People's Republic of China has been lost for reasons such as going abroad (in China) to settle down;

His resignation as a representative is accepted;

The qualification of representative needs to be terminated for other reasons。

(2) If a representative has any of the following circumstances during his term of office, his qualification as a representative shall cease。

Transfer from the college and pull out the Party's organizational relationship;

A student party representative who has graduated and left the university;

It is necessary to stop being a delegate for other reasons。

The termination and suspension of the qualification of delegates to the Party Congress shall be reported by the original electoral unit or the primary party organization, studied and decided by the Party Committee (Standing Committee) of the college, and reported to the Education and Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for the record。

Article ten  Co-election and by-election of university party congress delegates。

According to the needs of the work or the shortage of deputies, the original electoral unit shall promptly co-elect or by-elect deputies。The co-election or by-election of deputies to fill vacancies shall be conducted in accordance with relevant Party regulationsCollege Party committee (Standing Committee) approved, reported to the provincial Committee of Education and work committee for the record。

Act 3  University party congress annual meeting system

Article 11  The Party congress in universities shall implement the annual meeting system。The annual Party congress is held in principle before the annual congress of the faculty and staff of the College, and may be convened at any time if necessary。The annual meeting is presided over by the College Party Committee (Standing Committee)。

Article 12  Functions and tasks of the annual Party Congress:

(1) To hear and review the annual work reports of the Party Committee and the Discipline Inspection Committee of the College;

(2) To discuss and review the main points of Party and government work of the College in the next year;

(3) Members of the Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Committee of the Democratic Evaluation and Evaluation Institute;

(4) To discuss party building and other major issues of the College;

(5) To examine work reports on proposals and proposals;

(6) To review the collection, use and management of annual party fees;

(7) To elect deputies to the Party congress at a higher level;

(8) To discuss and decide on other relevant important matters。

Article 13  At the annual meeting of the university Party Congress, matters requiring a vote may be voted on by a show of hands or by secret ballot。The resolutions and decisions adopted shall take effect after promulgation by the College Party Committee (Standing Committee)。

Article 14  According to the needs of the work, superior leaders, leaders of democratic parties, representatives of persons without party affiliation, representatives of municipal people's congresses and CPPCC members can be invited to attend the Party congress of the College。

Act Four  Organize, lead, supervise and guarantee

Article 15  The Party Committee of the College sets up a leading group of the permanent system of the Party congress, which is fully responsible for the organization and implementation of various work。

The office of the leading group is located in the Organization Department of the Party Committee and is responsible for the daily work of the standing system of the Party congress。

Article 16  The Party Committee of the college establishes the proposal group for the Party Congress, which is located in the office of the Party Committee。The Proposal Group is a permanent institution, its main responsibilities are: responsible for the collection and processing of proposals and proposals of delegates to the Party Congress, and report to the congress on the work of proposals and proposals。

Article 17  Collegiate party committeeThe liaison office for Party Congress deputies will be established and located in the Organization Department of the Party Committee。The Liaison Office of Party Congress Delegates is a permanent institution, its main responsibilities are: responsible for the qualification examination of Party Congress delegates, and the termination or suspension of delegates' qualifications;Co-election or by-election of representatives;Establishment and maintenance of representative information base;Representative contact contact;Organize representatives to carry out activities, etc。

Article 18  When a Party congress is not in session, delegates conduct their activities in accordance with the delegations organized during the session of the Party Congress。

Article 19  Party organizations at all levels of the college should strengthen contact and communication with delegates to the Party congress, and pay attention to listening to the opinions of delegates when holding important meetings, organizing major activities, and carrying out investigations and research。We will organize learning and training activities for deputies in a planned way to enhance their awareness and enhance their ability to perform their duties as deputies。

Party organizations at all levels of the college should actively promote the openness of party affairs, take appropriate ways to regularly inform delegates to the Party Congress of the implementation of the Party's resolutions, decisions and other important information within the Party, and ensure the right of representatives to know。

Party organizations at all levels of the college must respect and protect the rights of delegates to the Party congress。Party organizations and Party members who are obligated to assist deputies in their work but refuse to fulfill their obligations shall be criticized and educated by their higher Party organizations。If a representative is obstructed from carrying out his work or retaliates against him, the responsible person shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant provisions。

Article 20  Deputies to Party congresses must accept supervision on their own initiative。Party organizations, party members, teachers, students and staff at all levels of the college shall carefully supervise the representatives of their units to perform their duties and obligations, and have the right to report the situation to the Party organizations at the next level。Deputies shall regularly report the performance of their duties to the Party organization, inform Party members, teachers, students and staff, and accept comments。

Article 21  Organizations at all levels of the College shall provide necessary time and conditions for delegates to the Party Congress to perform their duties。The working expenses of the permanent system of party congress shall be included in the university budget。

Chapter Five    

Article 22  These Measures shall be interpreted by the Education and Working Committee of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the CPC。Colleges and universities may formulate implementation rules in accordance with these Measures。

Article 23  These Measures are applicable to pilot colleges and universities。

Article 24  These measures are from the secondIt will come into force on March 1, 2010。